Outlet Devices

It is well-known in the Fluid Sealing Industry that the larger and slower a shaft turns, the more difficult it is to seal. Any runout or deflection in the shaft provides a “moment of opening” or a shift in the gap between the shaft and bore. The larger the shaft, the greater the surface area prone to intrusion by media. The slower the shaft turns, the longer that “moment” stays open. Hydraulic imbalance is the result with a consequent inability to seal without flush or media leakage.
Outlet devices are but one example of this application description in Pulp and Paper, Biofuel, and many other industries. Due to the sensitivity and downtime cost of this application, most mills in the United States and South America have adopted the use of PackRyt® systems ,as the expected life of this bearing/sealing system has proven it will consistently perform far longer than any other sealing means, with much less wear to the hard parts and very substantial automatic reduction in flush water usage.
Consisting of a bearing/lantern ring (BLR) and required sealing rings of SealRyt® patented style 7413, this configuration stops adverse radial movement of the shaft (eliminating “moment of opening”), balances hydraulics between media and flush, and seals with the most dense textiles on the market today.
Please consult SealRyt® Engineering for new proper flush piping configurations.